wow do i despise being in the military. yeah, i hate it. i used to love being a soldier and training other soldiers, but after being at the Defense Language Institute and dealing with the harrassment of the cadre here amongst other things that i have had to deal with, I am sick of chewing on my shit filled twinkie...Yes, that 's right. a shit filled twinkie...let me explain...It looks great and scrumptious on the outside, but when you bite into it, it is full of shit and it lingers in the back of your throat like bad cough medicine. DLI is talked up so much on the outside of the school but once you get in, you are treated like scum. Especially if you are female and national guard. I have been told crap like "females are gettin one over on the army because they have lax PT standards" "their weight standards are a joke" (women have boobs, retards...they are made of FAT) um, what else? Oh..."females have no place in the military" yeah, i could go on and on. In addition to that, I have had a few injuries and other health issues so i have a lot of medical appointments. so now my platoon sergeant wants to say i am malingering (that is faking sick or purposely hurting your self to get out of duty.) yeah, whatever. I have the medical records to prove that I am actually dealing with what I say i am dealing with. My favorite thing to do though is tell him that i have a severe yeast infection...since he always wants to know all the details of my medical issues... i told him i was baking something in my panties. ha ha ha...he didn't ask about anything else. but, i guess because I have these problems that were BROUGHT ON BY THE MILITARY, that gives him the right to treat me like shit and call me a "shitbag NCO' ...interestingly, the active duty members that are in school houses are there most of the time because they severly fucked up somewhere so to prevent future fuck ups, the army makes them an instructor so they can teach others how to severly fuck up...because that makes least they aren't in the field getting people like me killed any more. fucking ass holes.
Conversely you are a smart individual, who finds themselves in the army besides this fact, and therefore have to deal with the fact that people who never graduated high school can be instructors while people with a master's degree in engineering get made janitors.
It'd be humorous if you didn't have to live it.
ahh, the DLI...i wish i could say it was the first time i'd ever heard of bad treatment of females, but alas, no.
great set, by the way. love the almost caught by the fuzz shot...nice.