so im jobless! but its good coz i have time to try n get a tan in the back garden now! Went to the garden bar with ma grily amy and alan was well good, proper dead so there was only a few of us and we were dancin like maniacs to dirty dancin! well funny! fiona was runnin round like a mad head, love it when shes drunk shes soooo funny! her ex bird was out and she looks like a rat and i hate her....erm.... oh yea we'e all doin all nighter tonite at graffitti shud be fun its full of tossers but its reight, bit of wine down neck and ill be on one!oh yea! ii cant find anythin to bloody wear coz ive put on a bit of weight and nowt fits me! but its reight...somet to grab onto eh!heheh ok thats it for now! byeee

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