HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jumped on my frend pc reaaaaaaaal fucking quick to post this b4 he knows, he doesnt want anyone using it hahahaaha. love yall *SLOPPY DRUNK NEW YEAR KISS*
all im doin today is chillin out. had a bad sexually frustrating night last night hahahahaha. got home at 7 am woke up at 9 am and now im just layin in bed all day textin and typin. wow what an exciting birthday this is *shakes head* lol.
Happy b-day!!!!!GO OUT AND PARTYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope all ya'll get what ya'll want and have a happy great day. im gonna go to bed im exhausted from doin alot for this one damn day hahahahahaha
ok so ive seriously cut down on my myspacing and have replaced that addiction with something else.......BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU ! oh yeah i pay people to basically beat the ever loving shit outta me hahahahaha. i started last saturday and have been going every single night monday thru friday. my body is killing me im using muscles i didnt even know freaking existed lol.

when i...
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jajajaja...replacing myspace with jiu-jitsu. Jajajaja....Weird choice, but i bet it works.
ive come to the realization that i have to stop myspacing ....it only leads to sexual frustatration.

i seem to be a big hit with foreign women the only problem is ILL NEVER MEET THEM!!!!!!!. LMAO
Thanks for you comment on my hopeful set, I'm glad you liked it. I totally gotta get read of my space, its just way to addictive!!!
oooooooook so i was at a party last weekend with all my people form work. just gettin together and drinking and cooking and watching some shit on the tube. well my friend pat gets it into his head to bring outa tzer and start scaring people with it. i could really care less until he started tazering my arm. i just grabbed his arm and...
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thanx for commenting on my set!!!! love love
Memorial day weekend:

Saturday night went over my cousins house and watched the ufc with her husband nat "my best friend" another marine and "The Bill" who is always funny. UFC UFC god we got drunk and were craving some blood. after the fights we went outside and me and nat were sparring gotta get that bloodlust out somehow.

Sunday went over my cousins house...
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thank you for the comment on Body Language

have a great Thanksgiving!
Thanks so much for commenting on my set! You made my day! kiss