i dunno why but people in my life love putting me down. most of teh guys at work make fun of me for taking brazilian jiu-jitsu. im a sweet guy i do my job and i go above and beyond my job all teh time to help my coworkers out. im used to being made fun of anywayz but this just hurts me depper than normal. i coem into work happy now andgushing about what i have learned im completely geeked about it. there r some people there who think its great im taking it cuz tehy know it makes me happy. this dude i work with always says" so u gonna go do ur gay sweaty wrestling thing tonight" i usually shrug that off cuz hes a completely airheaded moron who can barely do his job. but the other day he said " hey ur probably gonna need this tonight "and handed me a condom. i bout bitch slapped him. he watches teh ufc and knows what i do and he stil makes fuin of me. i wish i coudl shwo him what i can do but i dont wanna hurt peopel and become an asshole. my boy mikey says im only taking it to learn how to hurt people and im not liek that. i take it cuz hopefully it builds my confidence and self-esteem. im always depressed and hate myself and everything about me but this actually makes me feel liek im sort of good at something. i just dont understand why i always get made fun of and am the brunt of everyones ridicule. then because i get made fun of and put down it makes me question myself and start thinking those ol thoughts that get me deeper into depression. its not like i have much in my life, i go to work and go to train at teh dojo tahst all i have. i have no girl no real social life, but im still content. so why do the people who have more than me in life have to try and hurt me and tehn pretend to be my friends.