So, lots of folks do the ‘About Me’ thingy, so here I go:
Movies: I’m a giant movie nerd. I’ve never been beat at the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon; you give me an actor and I’m pretty damn good about telling you a movie they are in. Or at least I used to be. New actors (within the past 5 years I’d say are a hit or miss).
Books: my favorite genre is science fiction and fantasy, though I love drama, horror, hurts to admit this, rom-coms. I had more girly movies then my wife did when we hooked up. I cried after Titanic for a whole fucking day. My old friend still tells STRANGERS that fucking story. My favorite authors are Philip K Fick, Robert Heinlein, F Paul Wilson, Stephan King, William Gibson, Neil Gaiman, Graham Hancock, and many others.
Music: I love anything with a beat. Period. If it has good rhythm and a melody, I’ll listen to it. From 80’s punk, to metal, classic rock, Celtic folk, Appalachian folk, Cyberpunk synthwave, traditional name it and I have a time and mood for it.
Food: all kinds. I learned how to make Chicken Tikka Masala after I left Germany and couldn’t get it in the States. I love Middle Eastern and Indian food.
Pets: two dogs, Australian Shepherds, and three cats. Pics will follow.
Marital status: yes, nearly 15 years. Got married at 24 going into the Army, and stayed married throughout and after. My wife is a saint.
Hobbies: knifemaking and video games, reading, tabletop RPGs. I made my own forge BEFORE I ever heard of Forged In Fire, which I fell in love with and it seriously improved my forging. Video games are mostly RPGs, though I enjoy Fortnite and Borderlands with my wife immensely. And I CAN.NOT.WAIT. for Cyberpunk 2077 to come out next April!!!!! Currently I started Elder Scrolls Online so anyone can look me up there. Two guesses what my profile name is.
Ok, I think that’s enough. I welcome Q&A if anyone just has to know more.