Fire academy starts in a little over two weeks. There is a definite excitement to going back into a career where i ran into burning buildings instead of away from them. The down side however, is I have gained almost 30 pounds this last year, almost exactly a year really. Grief eating, if anyone says isn't true, is in fact something people do to cope. Dealing with death, was never an issue while I was in the service, or a fire fighter, but when it happens to someone close, a sibling, it has a way of catching up with you. So, now the task becomes, losing the majority of this extra poundage, before the start of the academy... so do i skimp out on christmas goods, or work out extra hard in anticipation for all the extra carbs?. decisions decisions...
If the world ends tomorrow, disregard this posting..
If the world ends tomorrow, disregard this posting..
Work out extra hard of course....can't have xmas without goodies! Pretty excited about fire academy though! Reminds me of fire school in San Diego 

you are so sweet