Oh sweet Neptune's beard I am sick. i can't breath except through my mouth, my tonsils are swollen like plums and I have a wretched cough.. the upside is i don't have to talk to anyone if I don't want to... the down side. I'm sick, with no insurance, and feel like i just got hit by a diaper truck and left in the gutter covered in poop.
in tattoo news... I'm debating which side of the force i should be on... the rebels have a cleaner logo...but i do love me some boba fett and Darth vader... the original Dark Lord... decisions decisions..
in tattoo news... I'm debating which side of the force i should be on... the rebels have a cleaner logo...but i do love me some boba fett and Darth vader... the original Dark Lord... decisions decisions..
That sucks. I just had that about a week ago, its awful. Hope you feel better soon!
i almost peed my pants i was laughing so hard at it. I hope you feel better! and my vote goes to boba fett