UGH! i never got around to the tattoo yesterday, wicked headache took me totally by surprise and sidelined my day. I suppose though, that it (the headache) was a good thing, now i have more time to plan what exactly i want to tattoo. i have decided it is going to be my left leg that will be sacrificed. what a chump..i am going to royally fuck his shit up...seriously...i really dont know what i want to tattoo though. i want it to flow together, but there are so many ideas still... i suppose wish me luck on this one.. and if you have any ideas feel free to let me hear them.
My brother and I headed to our tattoo place yesterday and he was sure he knew what he wanted by the time we got there he had already talked about like 8 different variations of the same 2 tattoos he wanted, I told him we shouldn't be going if hadn't figured it out lol. What would ya know tattoo artist said the same thing but is going to draw something up for him for one of them.....I judged laughed and told my brother I told ya so haha
Well I thought it was funny cause it had just reminded me of the other day. But the assumption you came to I totally agree with, of course you have to change the sometimes right... to MOST of the time right LOL.