Sorry to everyone for being so sparse on here lately. I have had a lot of things going on and haven't really had much time to get online and just do something for me. I see that my blogs have also been lacking so I hope this one will make up for them. As my last blog said I officially made it to 31.. (hooray hooray i know) my birthday was nice. nothing big, just family. and wonderful cake. hunting season has started here in california and i got to go out and chase after bambi. wild fires are burning all around and i am waiting on a call to go get on the fire lines. but it hasnt happened yet. i have been fighting depression and the sense of Idd that just wont go away. still sober though.. so thats always a good thing. i havent even been working on my tattoos like i promised myself i would. all in all i am leading a rather lack luster life at the moment.. i need something to happen or a spark to kickstart my soul. on the upside autmn is almost here, i can feel the trees changing as well as the animals rustling.. hurry up and get here already i need my season.
thank you. happy belated birthday, hope your season goes well