Hello Ranty McRanterson...Do you ever just wake up, and think, how the fuck did I get here? (not the biological, sperm, egg, cell division) but rather the why did I make THOSE choices, and why couldn't i have made HER happy. I am just tired of it. I am tired of waking up every morning and feigning happy me. I know i am not the only one who thinks like this, everyone at some point has a bit of a melt down, but for fucks sake, I will be 31 in a month and looking back, my biggest accomplishment is what i left in the toilet this morning after my cup of coffee and cheerios. I feel like Elvis, wait no i don't, that guy was a womanizing pill popping alcoholic sonuva bitch who stole his music from black musicians. i just feel like i haven't done shit in this life, i have done a lot of things, but nothing major, nothing that anyone will look back and say.. "yea i remember that guy, he was totally fucking awesome"
I just want to feel like i make a difference and am not just another cog.
and oh my god i am tired of this single life bullshit. what the fucking fuck. i mean come on! aside from the fact that i hunt and fish and eat MEAT, i think i am a decent guy. no boils or warts, no diseases, 8 fingers, 2 thumbs, 10 toes. man bits only... im not super fit, but i'm not grotesque either. i have love to give, and no one wants it. and i'll be honest, this site is FUCKING DEPRESSING AS FUCK, i mean seriously, if it wasnt for the few actual friends I have on this site, i think i would never come back. All these hopefuls trying to get love to go pink and make money. shit i have an idea, get a job, you know youre gorgeous, its just a tease. damn. i dont know, maybe the whole concept is lost on me, i love the tattoos, and the few people who i am actually friends with.. you know who you are. thank you for being here. but for fucks sake, seriously if one more hopeful asks to be my friend im going to punch a toddler holding a puppy in the throat.
is this who i am, on a day to day basis... no it's not, i have just had enough today, and feel like ranting and bitching is better than swearing at a nun. gibberish gobbilygook. fuckitty fuck fuck fuckerstein

I just want to feel like i make a difference and am not just another cog.
and oh my god i am tired of this single life bullshit. what the fucking fuck. i mean come on! aside from the fact that i hunt and fish and eat MEAT, i think i am a decent guy. no boils or warts, no diseases, 8 fingers, 2 thumbs, 10 toes. man bits only... im not super fit, but i'm not grotesque either. i have love to give, and no one wants it. and i'll be honest, this site is FUCKING DEPRESSING AS FUCK, i mean seriously, if it wasnt for the few actual friends I have on this site, i think i would never come back. All these hopefuls trying to get love to go pink and make money. shit i have an idea, get a job, you know youre gorgeous, its just a tease. damn. i dont know, maybe the whole concept is lost on me, i love the tattoos, and the few people who i am actually friends with.. you know who you are. thank you for being here. but for fucks sake, seriously if one more hopeful asks to be my friend im going to punch a toddler holding a puppy in the throat.
is this who i am, on a day to day basis... no it's not, i have just had enough today, and feel like ranting and bitching is better than swearing at a nun. gibberish gobbilygook. fuckitty fuck fuck fuckerstein