Seriously... Baby sitting on Saturday night... really. if that isn't some shit. oh well at least the rain hasn't killed the internet.
Quit yer bitchin...
smile how are you?x
Oh sweet Neptune's beard I am sick. i can't breath except through my mouth, my tonsils are swollen like plums and I have a wretched cough.. the upside is i don't have to talk to anyone if I don't want to... the down side. I'm sick, with no insurance, and feel like i just got hit by a diaper truck and left in the gutter...
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That sucks. I just had that about a week ago, its awful. Hope you feel better soon!
i almost peed my pants i was laughing so hard at it. I hope you feel better! and my vote goes to boba fett smile
UGH! i never got around to the tattoo yesterday, wicked headache took me totally by surprise and sidelined my day. I suppose though, that it (the headache) was a good thing, now i have more time to plan what exactly i want to tattoo. i have decided it is going to be my left leg that will be sacrificed. what a chump..i am going to...
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My brother and I headed to our tattoo place yesterday and he was sure he knew what he wanted by the time we got there he had already talked about like 8 different variations of the same 2 tattoos he wanted, I told him we shouldn't be going if hadn't figured it out lol. What would ya know tattoo artist said the same thing but is going to draw something up for him for one of them.....I judged laughed and told my brother I told ya so haha
Well I thought it was funny cause it had just reminded me of the other day. But the assumption you came to I totally agree with, of course you have to change the sometimes right... to MOST of the time right LOL.winktongue
another one for today. how about that. this guy is totally fucking awesome. yes yes, i am fully aware. I am currently in the process of mixing up some black pigment to start tattooing the shit out of myself. what am i going to tattoo you might ask.. NO FUCKING CLUE! it is just time for some new ink. maybe some nightmare before christmas... maybe...
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I'm sure whatever you decide to tattoo will be awesome
I wanna see how things turn out, be careful!
UGH... that's UUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH... as in fuuuuuuuuuuuuucck. I hate San Jose, yea i'm sure it is just a personal thing... but that's what this is about right? i mean its a blog.... bullshit to complain about. thanksgiving was well thanksgiving. turkey stuffing, potatoes... the usual annual dinner......lame. however. it isn't raining. thank christ. its cold as fuck. not freezing in the literal sense, but seriously fuckin'...
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getting everything in order to leave for San Jose for a week.... so not looking forward to it. the people.. ugh, the sharks. ugh. that's an update.
but wait... isn't that the name of one of their teams?? LOL you goof. what all are you doing in San Jose?
I have been listening to dubstep all afternoon...thinking of going back to school and tattoo designs... i need motivation. or a muse.. yes a muse. i could really use something.
a muse. amuse. wink
Inspiration is hard to give... definitely with music starts the wheels rolling. Now if tis a poet you need look no further biggrin
I want to move. That's what this is going to be about.....

try number two...

I don't want to life in California any more. this place does not feel like my home. the politics and government are just too much. you would think that a state as "liberal" as California, would pull its collective head from its ass and make real changes and do something...
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with the exception of two wonderful, beautiful ladies here, I was told Happy Veteran's day by my two closest friends... who happen to be husband and wife... the fact that they truly meant it makes up for the rest of my friends and family who didn't say it..

On another more awesome upbeat note.. I made some Wicked good Pumpkin Pie... from scratch.. and by...
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happy belated veterans day.

I'm sorry people didn't wish you
or congratulate you. But um....hug I guess. I don't know. *nervous laugh* and, thanks as well.

Also pie!!! YAY yum
So here is today... 11.11...Veterans day.. which I am. and not a single head nod, tip of a hat, kudos, atta boy nothing... I am glad i put my life on the line for 5 years so people can just sit back and look at today as just another day of the week... And oh so happy that everyone, especially those who never served and...
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Awwww ♥ Thank you sweetie. I admired you before I knew tongue
oh and I work tomorrow so yeah. PLUS my kids have school. They actually celebrated last week. Had some vets come up to the school, wore red/white/blue outfits etc.
I have very much admiration for veterans. My dad and I make it a habit to thank people who have served for us. I have one brother in the military still and one that was, along with many cousins and uncles. So thank you!!!
So the last few days i have been seeing more and more of my friends are getting full time jobs, and are oh so happy... its kind of annoying. i am unemployed and well bored out of my head. i can't even afford to buy the super sexy ink i want so i can start my awesome tattoos. i have however been thinking more and...
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Yeah, I am a sort of angry kind of person. I got some frustration to let off LOL. I know I could just build a custom one with the same colors too for cheaper. I would never spend $1300 on a paintball gun unless I was going pro and that wont happen LOL
Thanks or the lovely compliment