Tough week... I`ve been having a real hard time looking for good new bands around here. No one seems to be interested in playing good ol' punk rock or hc. All I could find were lame emo bands, most of them sounding like Dashboard Confessional. The thing is that I used to own a label (RedRat Records) and I`m willing to give it another try. The great problem is that there are no bands that I think could be worthy of being released. I`ll probably have to talk some friends into getting some of their bands together. If only I had more money and maybe a better structure I could try to release some good bands from elsewhere. Maybe make some split records and compillations... but for now I'll keep rehearsing my own band.
And I should probably get some sleep too... its 5:00am here.
And I should probably get some sleep too... its 5:00am here.

Achava que isso era o que mais tinha. =P
Eu conheo uma banda aqui de Sampa que meio estilo Blink182 e bem boa... Serve? xD
Beijocas carioca!!!