A photographer in Vancouver, posted this:

This was my very public response, after many of the girls in my modeling scene circulated an email that detailed his further disrespect of nude models and women in general:
This is the type of attitude in the industry that makes me sick to my stomach.
I had contacted this photographer to shoot a few months back, and I am so glad today that I did not take it any further because of my commitments elsewhere.
It is not only unprofessional and tactless, but the very idea that nude models are prostitutes or that being a sex trade worker is a negative thing is shameful.
I normally do not get involved in drama, but I feel this is a really big problem--one that universally needs to be discussed and pointed out in this industry.
Models render a service. Posing nude is a more delicate subject for many models, because it is our very bodies on the line. Once those photo's are out--they are out. This is a big deal for many models, especially for girls who hope to be agency represented.
Photographers require payment for their services as well.
But for a photographer to attempt to shame working models into providing a service for free, especially a service that includes sharing their most intimate parts--and then allude that they are like sex workers because of it, is a revolting tactic.
Models who are strong in their craft, especially models who take the risk of posing nude for various photographers, some of whom they may not know, deserve payment for their services if they require it. If you don't wish to pay for their services, then move along to ask the next model.
But DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT imply shame to two separate industries because you are upset that someone gave you a rate you didn't like.
Further more, sex workers, strippers, fetish models and nude models are still human beings. They do a profession. Perhaps it is not one you admire or aspire to participate in, but they do not deserve your disgusting comments and negative attitude.
It is childish, disrespectful and unprofessional. I certainly hope that other models will read this post and save themselves from taking their clothes off from one more slut-shamer in the universe.
Pete Jones Photography posted this as his rebuttal:
To which I replied:
Regardless of whom or who you were speaking about Pete, slut shaming Models or Prostitutes is NOT okay. It promotes the idea that these women working in these trades are less-than everyone else. Women are human beings, and we own our bodies. We decide who we offer it to, and how much it will cost. It is not okay, nor is it professional to suggest that nude models are "prostitutes" just as it is not okay to suggest that prostitutes are "low" or "wrong" for the trade they work in. I'm not sure how your original post could be taken out of context, as the screen shot being posted is fairly straight forward and obvious--you demeaned all models and sex trade workers in your comment. You were not specific to any one "type" of person out there, nor was your post to promote the "dangers of working with pervy GWC's" as this rebuttal coyly suggests. Your only care when you posted your comment was for yourself, to promote your superiority to all models who request TF, and it's a shame that you cannot see the wonderful relationships you continue to ruin with your large ego, lack of tact and negative attitude. That is what hinders you from being truly great in this industry---not your supposed "haters."
To which Pete replied:
not true Chevvy - it wasn't about me or TF - i've never been in that situation... just pointing it out. Please spare me your ignorance and cease from posting on my content in the future, you're not welcome.
To which I finally replied:
My favorite part is when you says, "I am referring to the very seedy, filthy, dirty, disgusting, genre of date-rape-faux-photographers and THE GIRLS WHO FUEL THEIR PERVERSION."
Because any girl who shoots nudes, whether they are raunchy, erotic, amateur, artistic or otherwise is clearly AT FAULT for a provoking a date-rape-faux-photographer into contacting her. It is by no means the fault of the date-rape-faux-photographer that he has perversions, WHATSOVER. It is the models fault for shooting nudes.
This is rape culture. This is sexism. This is promoting the idea that women in whatever reason, shape or form are "asking for it" when someone contacts, solicits or abuses them.
This is enough!
On that note, I hope any Vancouver hopefuls or models on this site will read this, and perhaps abstain from working with Pete Jones Photography.
He clearly a sexist asshat.
Love, Peace & Flossing... and Feminism!
P.S. Isn't it disturbing that people talk about models like cattle?