ok i had this real weird dream last night i was surroounded by tools and they all became bloated. kept getting bigger and bigger. i couldnt escape it was like i was stuck to a piece of paper. i woke up hyper ventilating. when i woke i couldnt stop thinking about these fucking tools becoming bloated. earlier that day i was looking at tools on ebay. fuck that i'm staying awhile from that forawhile.
no audio in the intercommunications system (ICS) of the ECMO 2 (back left seat). it took 4 days, 3 shifts each, to finally find that it was a shorted wire deep underneath the floor of an ejection seat.
I personally worked on an ECMO 3 (back right seat), radio #2 no transmit gripe. we just transferred our pristine jets for VAQ136's pieces of shit to take back to the US for overhaul. It took me 3 days to find the short in a huge wire bundle under the floorboards. sadly, I didn't get to fix the problem because I had to pass it off to a coworker to get on my plane back to the US. my coworker was on a group that was leaving Japan a couple days later.
both gripes were so intense that it caused me to dream about sifting through wire bundles, wire schematics and multimetering wires. stupid piece of shit, outdated ass EA6B!