so i cant sleep. lets see here goes. i live with my parents i'm 26 i turn 27 in july i dont make enough money to move out but i also feel that i'm missing out alot of shit by living at home. the only jobs i've had are revolving door jobs. dead end jobs low paying, sure i make 10 dollars an hour working in a office full of bitchy selfish women its ok half the time and its aright for a low paying job. but it doesnt pay enough money. the benefits suck and are expensive. no room for advancement and i really cant see myself doing this for the rest of my life. so i figured i'd go to a community college and learn how to be a automotive technician. i can't think of anything else to do. no idea only thing i'm interested in. i cant stand being around people for the most part, i cant understand textbooks i only learn by doing stuff. and i cant fucking stand customers, and dont take your fucking shit out on me . i get payed low. dont fucking bitch at me dont fucking complain to me. so this summer my school isnt offering night time classes so this will set me back even more. so i figured i'd try and get a job at a aaa shop that will open up sometime next year in 2006. doesnt mean i'll get it, though i'll know the gm and the manager of the shop, but you cant count on anything until it happens, or i could join the military and have everything paid for, get treated like shit in the military be surrounded by dumbfuck republicans. maybe i'll leave alive or not or come back with a normal body or limbs missing. i always wanted to be gi joe, but i dont want to die in irag, or afganisthan or korea or any other fucking place.
i'm really at this point in my life where i feel like i'm stuck and i wont or cant amount to fucking shit. i got some mad low self esteem and no i dont want to talk to some fucking shrink or start taking zoloft again.
i cant sleep right now its bothering me and i cant stand work most the time , and i cant stand dealing with customers and the women i work with.
i'm really at this point in my life where i feel like i'm stuck and i wont or cant amount to fucking shit. i got some mad low self esteem and no i dont want to talk to some fucking shrink or start taking zoloft again.
i cant sleep right now its bothering me and i cant stand work most the time , and i cant stand dealing with customers and the women i work with.
misconception about the military: most people hate war and are only in for the benefits. Everyone sides with Republicans because they give us pay increases. You're not gonna complain if you have enough money. Plus, the military doesn't want you to die for your country anyway. The military pours thousands and thousands of taxpayer dollars to extensively train you in your career specialty to let you get killed. Overall, it's not a bad deal--not for everyone--but not a bad deal at all.