big brother
i watch this reality show
and that bitch jennifer
its fucked up.
of course
I must say i hate reality t.v but I am so easily hook in by them! I still watch Real World
i had this weird dream

i was with a brother i never seen before and we were on the outskirts on some town where people go to change oil and chop vegetables on some hill the hill is covered in cactus, little trees, rocks and dirt. people bring out tools, choppin boards and knives its a total social event in the desert. so some cute...
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what I gather from the movie was the single-mindedness of a hate group, or any single interest group for that matter. once that group achieves its goal (assaulting and disenfranchising asians in this case) there is really no more to achieve to but deal with the consequences of that action. hate has only one goal and what do these hate groups think they will ultimately achieve after they've achieved their goal of ethnic cleansing? there's no evolution or progression in thinking, because hate is fascist in its nature, not allowing any deviation or diversity.

this is where once you've eliminated all your enemies (whether actually or metaphorically) the only enemy to battle is yourself.
my fade is kind of medium-high and like to leave about 1 1/2 inches on top. it's not a flattop or do I even want to look like a fucking marine with their rediculous "horse shoe" cuts. I like a crew cut that's pretty conservative, but doesn't scream "MILITARY GUY! MILITARY GUY!" The military thing can be such a turn off to some chicks.

the hair in your profile pic is similar to what I try to achieve, but of course, I'm sexier. hahaha
i always meet real weird girls.
I wish I met girls...period.

Yeah, I'll be on the phone all day and probably driving around, getting estimates.
Their new album is pretty damn good, from what I've heard so far. I'm kind of picky with a new cd, seeing as I'll listen to one song, or one "two minute" section of a song, over and over. The only downer is the acoustic, untitled piece, but other than that, I've been impressed.

More or less, I get the feeling that they are a heavier Explosions in the Sky. More of a "metal" edge to them, if I can use such a term. I'd definitely check them out live.
ok i had this real weird dream last night i was surroounded by tools and they all became bloated. kept getting bigger and bigger. i couldnt escape it was like i was stuck to a piece of paper. i woke up hyper ventilating. when i woke i couldnt stop thinking about these fucking tools becoming bloated. earlier that day i was looking at tools on...
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don't feel bad about that. work has done the same thing to me. I've worked on gripes on jets that I can't seem to find the source of the problem. For example (sorry if I speak tweek, but keep in mind aviation electronics of an EA6B):

no audio in the intercommunications system (ICS) of the ECMO 2 (back left seat). it took 4 days, 3 shifts each, to finally find that it was a shorted wire deep underneath the floor of an ejection seat.

I personally worked on an ECMO 3 (back right seat), radio #2 no transmit gripe. we just transferred our pristine jets for VAQ136's pieces of shit to take back to the US for overhaul. It took me 3 days to find the short in a huge wire bundle under the floorboards. sadly, I didn't get to fix the problem because I had to pass it off to a coworker to get on my plane back to the US. my coworker was on a group that was leaving Japan a couple days later.

both gripes were so intense that it caused me to dream about sifting through wire bundles, wire schematics and multimetering wires. stupid piece of shit, outdated ass EA6B! mad kinda miss working on them. frown
Thanks smile
i just woke up from some weird dream where i was hoping trains trying to escape the church. one person died from falling down on purpose. and another person died cause they caught on fire.
I was just thinking "Man, I'd really like to find out about those kegs of root beer!" today. Hell, I even opted for a 12-pack of root beer instead of my usual Dr. Pepper. shocked

What's the point in my saying this? I don't know. I just figured I would say something else than my thoughts about whatever crazy ass dream you had.
You should join the Dream Group
i had this dream that i was hanging out with a vampire and he got caught by other vampires that were trying to kill him all the vampires would hang out in real shitty area's all the places they hung out were covered in graffitti like crazy. i could fly around and see everything and cattle decapitation were playing that night. i fly by this...
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uh... sounds pretty gay, Zach. I think you might have been watching Interview with the Vampire too much.
baroness from gi joe isnt dead.
shes being held prisoner in gi joes new wyoming base.
some crazy shit is going on.
not like anyone cares. but shit.
Baroness was flipping hot, and then you got the two GI Joe chicks (one was a ninja and I think the othe was like a tracker or something).

Wait, I just a had fantasy about GI Joe chicks. What the hell? confused
so i had this dream where my family moved to canada and opened up a healthfood store. all these local hardcore kids kept asking me about salt hate city hardcore and i kept telling them i havent lived there forever so i could only tell them about the past. and they kept eating all these donuts. i told them theres some vegan food they can...
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GWAR was as good as I always heard they were. I'm glad that I have that checked off my "things to do before I die" list. biggrin
Wow what a dream!
so its about 110 degrees outside and someone says damn its hot, but it wasnt a few hours ago. so its not hot outside with only a few degrees less. getting used to the arizona heat, now thats crazy!
hot is hot no matter what number you attach to it. the same goes for Texas as it does in Arizona or wherever. it really irks me when people make excuses for the heat like, "it's really humid!" WHO GIVES A SHIT! IT'S STILL FUCKING HOT!!! mad
graffiti magazines
gi joe comics
reality shows
a storm outside you can hear
and too much soda.
that sounds like a formula for those weird dreams you have all the time. surreal
i had this dream where my boss's husband came over and i was living in this basement apartment. but the basement was a old basement in one of my parents old house's they had. well this spider was crawling around. it was as big as a hand. and its legs was as thick as fingers. sorta like a crab i guess. we kept trying to...
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Zach, hey, it's antennatoheaven. I guess I had some second thoughts about quitting and, well, here I am. I guess I'll be kicking it around the site for quite some time so drop a line every now and again.
Yeah check out the show when you can, I'm just starting to get into it.Here's a link.