Well shit what to say? I've come to the end of the first month of living with my girlfriend and I've got to say that it's been much much easier and a lot less drama than I thought it would be. I haven't freaked in the slightest (and neither has she). Her job sucks so when she gets home she's a bit bummed out and/or tired but if that's the worst of it, I think I'm pretty damn lucky.
Of course the ride home from the gym in the morning pretty much sucks so it's not all plaques and ham.

i wrote this in the sports group but i'm not sure how many of us go in there or how often. so i'm taking this same post to everyone who's ever mentioned that they like soccer.
i'm thinking of applying for our own soccer/football/futbol group but i need to know how man soccer fans would actually join up. so we could have a place to talk about all of our soccer stuff without having to compete or worry about close minded sports fans getting in the way of discussions. i KNOW that there wouldn't be that many members but i think that a lot of us would feel more comfortable talking and discussing a bunch of this if we had our own space. i was thinking about applying for one when i was a member but i think i'll have more of a chance now that i'm an actual sg.
so if you want your own group...come hit me up in my journal and let me know so i can work on this more seriously.
p.s. i really want to start this group so hurry up and let me know if you'd be interested.