I have been trying to sort out a youtube account so i can start doing v-logs cause it is just so much easier and quicker i will get there one day.
Anyway ill up date you all on what i have been doing the last month.
on the 11th of October Andrea came down and we done my misty shoot =D we done it in my mates back garden and it was freaking freezing ha! and that will be up for member review on the 6th of dec. be sure to cheak it out

also I have done another shoot with my John who done my gamer girl shoot, this one is a tribute to one of my favourite artists on deviantart his name is Slugbox defiantly check out his stuff!!!! its amazing and super sexy, i done a human version of his character cteno she is like errrrmmm... well she is based on a my little pony she is soooo adorable and gooey <3 this is her <3
here is a sneak preview from that shoot ha its the only picture I have from it so far..(un-edited)
another thing that I did last October was my mate paid for me to go to the London mcm media/anime expo, Its awesome I normally go to every May one but he afford to pay as I bought him stuff in the past. I when as Yoko from gurran laggan! one of my fav animes ever!!!! it was awesome ha also got me an awesome pillow cover to =P
my cosplay (I will have the prober boot rifle and glasses for the summer one)
other than them two shoots i have just been working at ceX then watching adventure time and playing kingdom hearts 3D cause i bought myself a 3ds when it was pay day ha
I am planning on doing an adventure time shoot! I really really want to sooo much i am so in love with Finn people kind get creped out with how much I love him ha! but I have be working on some drawing of me and him...(I'm not sad I swear)
last night I did get an adventure time tattoo done on the top of my right leg =] its only the line work though soon to be more hopefully i will update with pictures soon!