......Lets see I saw the SHininG this weeKend at HOllywoOd forever cemetary....what a fitting moviE.....or last movie of the season I should saY.....It loOKs so goOd big .......Nicholson...is phenomenal ....the movie itself especially the bathrOom scenE........ I think there were about 300 people there.....thaTs a strange cemetarY.....S.Cal is A very mOody place during thE FaLL seasoN....... I guess that was my highlight ...oh that and meeting Jesse Jayne....what is wrong with conservativeS.....? first they are the biggest hippocratEs.....you know BUsh digS PorN.... why live yr life with a tissue stuck up yR aSs....... these people make their opinionS GOD...when they have no true conception of what Christ meant or of spiriualiTy........the popE...come on this guy is starting a witch hunt in the 21st century.....show me the difference between Christianity and Muslim extremism...........these self appointed hippocrates should get in a ring and fight to the death...I know I would watch...... best reality show eveR....stop fucking up the worLd woth yr idiotiC belief systems and just BE........ ..No jusT FUCK..... its all about sexual repressiON anywaY....
LOL!!! It's my job to be a tease!! And, no LEXX yet...I'll let you know when it gets here though!