...Im thinking about the ambiguous state of things right now in my liFe..........as well aS the people who use to be my friendS in L.A., .........I think especially in hollywood you meet almost eveyonE onCe......and everyonE is a potential back stabber or does not want to see you succeed ; and if you do they hate you FOr it because their lives are pathetically emptY and void of anything to really taLk abouT........ I hate people who hatE staRS ,,,,because they aRE usually no talented " indie" film makers who if given the chance would blow steven spielberg for a 5 minute scene in one of his filmS....... being underground is one thing ...trying to be the elite of the underground is anothER.......every underground artist I know here would sell their soul for STARDOM ....they just do not admit it....... I like Tom cruise and am not ashamed to admit it. Sure I prefer LYnch or Godard to war of the Worlds...but I like popcORn movieS and the fact that Tim Burton is a house hold naME..........alright let me think about something eLSE
Tim Burton is GOD.