...So this guy came in the other night around 3AM and bought $500 worth of gay porN and DILDOs........his friend had kinda beEn scopin the place out a few nightS buying small iteMs...........but last night was the muthA load......5 bottles of motion lotion , 5 gay porn flickS, 2 strap oNs ( doc Johnson ) and 2 8inch super realistic dildos and one on a blow up ball ...kinda like those pogo balls except a big cocK attacheD...... oh and 5 bottles of lube.......Im starting to have dreams about dildOS ......No joKE........they are inserted somewhere in my psyche noW........just poppin up in my lucid dreamS........I had this one where I was in some red roOM nowwhere....showing porno fLicKS with several dispersed people I have met sice living in L.A. , one of those weird dreamS ,,that stick out from th reSt as if its more than a dream...................................anywaY.......
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