...........First I want to say thanX ....For all the love on me birthDAy,,,,,,,,...........That made my day honesT.......
..................well my fourth of July was a weirD one at that ...I went to starFucKS....and got into a chesS tournament with a bunch of ScientologistS......( dont ask ).....they get high on brain games OK......theN I maneuvered tO....a friendS house in PAsadena......wherE I played dRunk Bacchi BaLL.......fireworlkS followed....over looking the rose Bowl from high atop a backyardcliFF......somewhere inbetween I made it possible for me to get MAd Cow disease .....that is if I do not already havE it......... Oh I got a joB ...at Say CHeese in Silverlake by Trader JoeS......I do not know whether I an happy about that or noT.......mE and thE X are slowly sPEakinG......friends again....so maybe I will be gettin the old job bacK ........... Oh and I found a box containing a small universe which worships my hand as GOD whenever I sticK it In...........eat shroOms......
..................well my fourth of July was a weirD one at that ...I went to starFucKS....and got into a chesS tournament with a bunch of ScientologistS......( dont ask ).....they get high on brain games OK......theN I maneuvered tO....a friendS house in PAsadena......wherE I played dRunk Bacchi BaLL.......fireworlkS followed....over looking the rose Bowl from high atop a backyardcliFF......somewhere inbetween I made it possible for me to get MAd Cow disease .....that is if I do not already havE it......... Oh I got a joB ...at Say CHeese in Silverlake by Trader JoeS......I do not know whether I an happy about that or noT.......mE and thE X are slowly sPEakinG......friends again....so maybe I will be gettin the old job bacK ........... Oh and I found a box containing a small universe which worships my hand as GOD whenever I sticK it In...........eat shroOms......
I want a box like that.
......the one i found only had a singing frog in it.