...........alright ...So I went to SanFrancisco on a spur of the momenT.......Saw a koOL banD caLLEd BlacK ICe...........drovE arouNd....alot doing nothinG and yet somEthinG as well...I cannot get over how different SF is from L.A. , the people ,scenes everythiNg...............
...broke down and got cable for a few monthS.......theres a year worth of movies I have not seEn on...pluS I can watch Deadwood and CarnivaLE..........
........went to this gallery out in L.A. called Ghetto Gloss....they really liked my art and did a taped interview for some idea for a new shoW on artistS.........they r putting me in their next catalog...plus coming to my studio to see my larger workS.................