I saw LAIBACH tonight .........I feLT like conquering PoLANd afterwARD...........
I love how NAZI out fits are
in faSHION agaIN.........of courSe you sEE it moRE in the cluB scene than any whERE eLSE..........
My two wHITE CATS are POSseSseD by some craZY DEMON....I am convinced of thiS noW.....I waKE up with THem staring at Me ....LIKe a scene ouT of THe SHInING.
I aM goiNg inSANE finishiNg my painting.......living a NocturnaL lifestyLE......sometiMES I watCH peopLE go to worK 4 fuN.................
Hmmm whaT else I went to thiS giRLS birthday party.........I barely know her except from FLoridA 4 yrs aGO.........it was interesting....I thinK I did it AS a psychological experiment.......
Oh yeah I also got some New CDs ....a reissue of NIN Downward SpiraL ...its beEn 10 yrs.......it has gOod b-sides ....including a great Joy Division cover....DEAD SOULS.....used in the CROw soundtrack ......the other was a boXEd seT ....called Left of the DIAL with alot of Miscellaneous stuFF from the 80s including " Take the skinheads Bowling " . I just got a gREAT arT sore hOok uP..........I loVE steaLING $20 tubES of PAinT.............hmmm guesS thaTs it ....wiLL try and poST my short fiLMs on here soOn ......caNnOT wait to get staRTED on thE nEXT... its goNna be in SuPER 8.
hey...i guess hitler just had good fashion sense.
HAHAHAHAHA! ...ummm, yeah...i found that very amusing