This weatheR suCKS................iTS tOO COLD! ! ! ! !
I sLEPt laTe as usUAL.........HIberNAtiNG in mY WARM BED ImbeDDED In a DREAm............
ChanNeL surFED beTWeEN GodFathER 2 SimpSONs and MalcoLM in the MiDDLE.......................
ATTempTED goiNg ouT lasT night buT LITTLE JOY HAD A LINE outsidE the DOoR .....FUCK thaT .....goinG duriNg the WeeK is bETTEr any wAY.............Did a latE trIP to KInKOs ........walkED ouT without paying....aGAIn.
WorkinG oN 2 PAIntiNGS my HEAd SO I can FInish them SOoN.
I sLEPt laTe as usUAL.........HIberNAtiNG in mY WARM BED ImbeDDED In a DREAm............
ChanNeL surFED beTWeEN GodFathER 2 SimpSONs and MalcoLM in the MiDDLE.......................
ATTempTED goiNg ouT lasT night buT LITTLE JOY HAD A LINE outsidE the DOoR .....FUCK thaT .....goinG duriNg the WeeK is bETTEr any wAY.............Did a latE trIP to KInKOs ........walkED ouT without paying....aGAIn.
WorkinG oN 2 PAIntiNGS my HEAd SO I can FInish them SOoN.
Hope your having good night