ThinGS on my MinD............I sLEeP tO late because I have a lifestyle that allows it........I do not like this but my bed is so warm .........and dreaming is like CraCk.
I nEed To find a nEw CliCK I caNnoT gO anywHere and See someOne whO doeS noT knOw mY X in SOmE waY.......6 degReeS of JokE.
I am A LoneR So I go pLaceS alone and Like to be alonE ......not aLL the timE just mosT of IT...My head is iTS oWN crOWd......... YeT I nEed sOmE SociAL networKINg iN mY LiFE.......anD maybE a girLFrieNd wHo doES not nEed to be EnterTAinED bY mE. ( I need space even while with someone)...........SomEonE to Do noRmaL thiNGs wITH likE sEe movIEs ....sHOP.......oCcaSionaL the alicE inWondERLanD kinD.
I met Voltaire the OthER nighT....WOw what a greAt danCER......She reaLLy doEs taLK likE shE wriTES........I neVER GO tO striP CLubS.....juSt causE WeLL ....ItS expENSIvE( I feel stupid giving my money away) anD I do noT liKe beiNg teaSeD BUT I thiNK I maY drOP by on OcCasIOn to HeLP hEr pay thE reNT........
Heh shE is sO forWARd thaT itS FuNny .....I resPEct thaT .....KoOL gIRL.
SomeonE stOLe $1000 froM Me........... Not HaPpy abOUt thAT........
I am awaitinG the retURN of my X fROM sPAiN ..........God its sOoooo greaT witH heR GoNE.........I reALLY haTE heR boyFrieND....Hes a DORK and maYbe I am a DorK as WeLL in SOMe waY buT Hes a cOmpuTER DORK whiLE I am JusT a InteLLEctUAL SnOB....BIG DIFFERENCE! ! ! !
I thiNK aboUT DEATH to OfteN ....the InevitabILITY oF iT.......I thiNK thERE is sOMEthING beYOND thiS exiSTANCe .........whaT it iS ......I do nOT KNOw ....wE r aLL enerGY ...ENergY neveR diES......
SometimeS I ?? whether or noT wE reaLLY are highER LIFe fORMS Or nOt........maybE wE R juST caTTLE to SOME hiGHER evOLVED ......entITY thaT LiVES in ANOTHER dIMENSIOn.............meaNINg as A roaCH is OBLIviOuS tO OuR wORLD WE R OBLiviOUS TO AnothER thAT we canNot SeE.................................
I nEed To find a nEw CliCK I caNnoT gO anywHere and See someOne whO doeS noT knOw mY X in SOmE waY.......6 degReeS of JokE.
I am A LoneR So I go pLaceS alone and Like to be alonE ......not aLL the timE just mosT of IT...My head is iTS oWN crOWd......... YeT I nEed sOmE SociAL networKINg iN mY LiFE.......anD maybE a girLFrieNd wHo doES not nEed to be EnterTAinED bY mE. ( I need space even while with someone)...........SomEonE to Do noRmaL thiNGs wITH likE sEe movIEs ....sHOP.......oCcaSionaL the alicE inWondERLanD kinD.
I met Voltaire the OthER nighT....WOw what a greAt danCER......She reaLLy doEs taLK likE shE wriTES........I neVER GO tO striP CLubS.....juSt causE WeLL ....ItS expENSIvE( I feel stupid giving my money away) anD I do noT liKe beiNg teaSeD BUT I thiNK I maY drOP by on OcCasIOn to HeLP hEr pay thE reNT........
Heh shE is sO forWARd thaT itS FuNny .....I resPEct thaT .....KoOL gIRL.
SomeonE stOLe $1000 froM Me........... Not HaPpy abOUt thAT........
I am awaitinG the retURN of my X fROM sPAiN ..........God its sOoooo greaT witH heR GoNE.........I reALLY haTE heR boyFrieND....Hes a DORK and maYbe I am a DorK as WeLL in SOMe waY buT Hes a cOmpuTER DORK whiLE I am JusT a InteLLEctUAL SnOB....BIG DIFFERENCE! ! ! !
I thiNK aboUT DEATH to OfteN ....the InevitabILITY oF iT.......I thiNK thERE is sOMEthING beYOND thiS exiSTANCe .........whaT it iS ......I do nOT KNOw ....wE r aLL enerGY ...ENergY neveR diES......
SometimeS I ?? whether or noT wE reaLLY are highER LIFe fORMS Or nOt........maybE wE R juST caTTLE to SOME hiGHER evOLVED ......entITY thaT LiVES in ANOTHER dIMENSIOn.............meaNINg as A roaCH is OBLIviOuS tO OuR wORLD WE R OBLiviOUS TO AnothER thAT we canNot SeE.................................
Wow how did someone steal $1K from you. That sucks.
how did someone steal $1K???? Its the longest story .....I can never TeLL.....ILL geT oVeR....It.