HmmmMMMM my Arizona FriEND jusT seNT me A bOoK on AstrAL PRojeCTIOn .....No AstrAL DYNaMICS that S the TiTLE.....A new APPRoaCH tO Out Of BOdY ExPERIenCE......whiCH If YOu beLievE In it is scientIFicaLLY unEXpLAIneD meaNING the scienTIFIC coMMuniTY ObserVES the experienCe as a ReaLIty...BasicALLY It teaCHes YOU hoW to COntROL Yr experieNCEs LikE contrOLiNG yR dReaMs.......aNd hoW tO naturaLLY sLIP intO the STAte thrOUGH medITAtiON.....I thinK I haVE beEN experIENcING thIS fOR a LOnG tIMe But neVEr KneW exacTLY HoW Or whAT It wAs ...It sPEAKs Of a PaRALYSIs eFfeCT on thE boDY whiCH haPpenS as THe MinD sLipS out oF a DiSassOCIAtE OrdeR ...kinDa meaNINg A prOJecTIOn thaT is tRYing tO OccUr thAT yOU R nOt in FUll COntrOL of Or the AwaKENing of thE phySIcaL etHIriC MinD....whILE outSIDE the BodY. ThERE are JUst NumerOUs stATEs of ConsciOUsnEsS whicH are shiFTInG aLL thrOUGh ouT Our dAY.....I cOuLD gO oN moRE But I aM staRTInG to ..................................
CE boards..tragic but time to move on.
i try to stay grounded for the most part.