...ok not only do I hate dim of mind....but the corporate dumbass bullshit which exists to torture the very fabric of my being..( yes I know I commented about this before ).....because I worked as a Temp for this 5 star hotel I cannot work for them full time as a Bar tender which I am qualified for until 6 months after quiting my temp job.....siX...months...??? so I can have a premature baby by the time I am "qualified " to work . ......and I thought Dali paintings were surreaL......I am utterly disgusted and putrefied by the stupidity which lingers out there......and people wonder why you turn to dealing druGs.......because the straight laced bullshit work world is a constant mind fucK designed to keep people from attaining anythinG......the only way to get ahead is to lie,cheat and steal. But today I joined Central Casting and I was told I could get alot of worK.......we shaLL see.............
your absolutely right. lie,cheat, and steal seems to be my motto (well mostly cheat and steal. i hate to lie and i fucking suck at it anyway) but my point. if i didn't i would barely have enough money to pay for my studio apartment and food. there would be nothing left for anything but the basic survival tools. i would not be even close to half as comfortable as i am now (which still consists of not knowing if rent will be made by the end of the month) nice.