URghhh.......sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats yoU...............I like the expression that life is like a rollercoaster...with alot of ups and alot of downs and if you you just sit back and enjoy the ride you can be alot happier and not stresS ouT......abouT....uncontrollable thingS.....
................I figure if I do this then the small thingS like being a slave to money will not hinder my view of the worLD too muCH .......I can live without an IPOD for a while longer and do not really need a new G4 laptop just yeT.......but it seems to be getting harder and harder to make money without feeling I am some how a indentured servanT....because realistically we live in a monarch where if we R lucky we can break free of our slave status and just watch the flowers bloom for a while.........I have considered while waiting till I go back to school next fall to take that starbucKs joB....but I know Me and by thr eighth time I am required to ask yr name and put it on yr Venti soy caramel macchiato I may snap and throw an espresso in someoneS eye.......you and yr fuckinG ice vanilla blendeD....I guess it all about being humle in the enD......
................I figure if I do this then the small thingS like being a slave to money will not hinder my view of the worLD too muCH .......I can live without an IPOD for a while longer and do not really need a new G4 laptop just yeT.......but it seems to be getting harder and harder to make money without feeling I am some how a indentured servanT....because realistically we live in a monarch where if we R lucky we can break free of our slave status and just watch the flowers bloom for a while.........I have considered while waiting till I go back to school next fall to take that starbucKs joB....but I know Me and by thr eighth time I am required to ask yr name and put it on yr Venti soy caramel macchiato I may snap and throw an espresso in someoneS eye.......you and yr fuckinG ice vanilla blendeD....I guess it all about being humle in the enD......

society is fucked up. its hard to live free when you're a slave to money. i just try to do whatever the fuck i want when i want to do it. but even that isn't fool proof. sometimes i am forced to work to pay my bills or just to survive.