Today sucked...( well it did) I missed the note that said do not leave the housE there a job somewhere out there in LALA land which I can geT.........somewhere ???? went to StaR sHOEs last night...danced a jiG...saw Kiefer SutherLAnd at the Bar...then went to beauty Bar....saw Kiefer sutherland at the Bar.......Im sure they were not shooting 24 ...........anyWay........I want something gooD to reAd.......I want a million dollars and a PEnT housE PEt.......or some anonynous ( we will know each other ) tattooed girL keeping Me warM at nighT.......with great Wake up SEX.......I want an IPOD ....a G5 MAC .....a gasleSs caR endleSs nighT........a thigh to put my haND on....I want......
More Blogs
Tuesday Jun 10, 2008
ARghh.....after a long time at Sea I have returned to SG .....there s… -
Saturday Jun 16, 2007
alright all yu L.A. SG people....please come out to my art opening on… -
Thursday Jan 18, 2007
WOW so its been a while .....I woke up to some weirdness… -
Tuesday Nov 07, 2006
Its been a while since I updated but am happy to say I got a great wr… -
Wednesday Oct 18, 2006
Hello all beautiful ladies.My art show is up at Downbeat Cafe 1202… -
Wednesday Sep 20, 2006
randy ....ok I have st up my website but it still has some bugs in … -
Wednesday Sep 13, 2006
...Hello my favorite tattooed women .....I am extremely Happy to anno… -
Sunday Sep 10, 2006
Oktober is coming....I love and hate October...its beautful watching … -
Monday Sep 04, 2006
....hello all.....urgh,,,,,life has been a series of overtime latel… -
Sunday Aug 20, 2006
...I just got paid $25 an hour for 7 hours to watch two movies toda…