Should i, or shouldn't i, splurge and get Rammstein's new album? It is amazing, it's finally out in the US...but can i afford the splurge? *ponders*

*hums*we're all living in Amerika, Amerika...es wunderbar...

did i mention Moskau features tATu? love
I miss my long hair. I'm growing it back out.

There's colour in the trees now. It's quite beautiful.
I just wish it wasn't quite so wet.

I found out the record player in the basement actually works. It's an antique thing from the sixties with vacuum tubes in the circuitboard. You can hear it warm up...rather nice. I went in search of a cheap...
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I grew up in swanannoa. You need a profile pic. If you need help with one. POST YER REQUEST.

we have a local group of us that meet, but you must be active on the site and have photos.
So I'm trying to get some of the SGAsheville crew to go and see the 10:00 show of Napoleon Dynamite Tuesday at the Pizza Company. You should stop by.
Starbucks is Evil
But, then again, ya'll probably already knew that. wink

What gets me is the finding that Starbucks blend coffee is being infused with absurd amounts of caffeine...a physically addictive substance. The article on MSN news mentioned that a 16 oz. cup of Starbucks coffee has more caffeine than a NoDoze. eeek
If you compete in any athletics, don't drink starbucks.
Since caffeine in high...
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yeah man, fuck starbucks. !!!
mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
My loyalties run very deep.
...I'm going to be vague and leave it at that.
oh hun whats got you fired up? I hope everything is okay.

being upset at the way organizations treat people i consider friends...and being in no position to do anything about it.
by all that is holy...Concrete Blonde is coming to my town on 14 October!!!
this couldn't be more perfect.
I need a new job. Anyone want to hire me? tongue wink
today is going pretty good so far.
The sun is shining, temperature is not too bad outside, and i'm not at work. biggrin A coworker wanted to switch with me yesterday, so i worked all afternoon instead of having to help with inventory which would have lasted until dawn. I'm happy.

I should go out and play with the borrowed digital camera. Yup-yup...I should.
Why do linemen have to come so early in the morning?? skull
At least i'll have a land-line phone now.
Roomie went up the mountain chain to visit family and Loot. I miss Loot. I'm glad she's doing better and out of hickory. Stinking work schedule, keeping me from visiting the lovely Loot.
(curses upon them, precious!) haha.

today's a short shift at the video store, and then it's just me and Rose, the hellion with teeth and too much energy. (i love my puppy!)...
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SG stuff: I'm slowly working my way through the attempt to look at all the girls...choosing 5 favourites is difficult!! It would be easier if i could go ahead and put one or more below 5 up there...i'd at least know where i left off! Damn this memory of mine....
Instead, i've got a paper list going and daily hope the puppy doesn't discover it...
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I could sit for hours absorbing every detail of the world around me...and do nothing about it.
Just absorb it all in. Soak in the way the moonlight reflects silver off of the golden-undertoned bark on the maple trees in the front yard, the way the puppy's coat shines so many blacks as she knaws her rawhide, the particular noise of the guitars keening on...
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just finished bleaching my roomie's mohawk, dying it purple, and shaving the fuzz on the sides. I'm rather proud of the results, and very relieved Roomie is, too.
Is my first time doing all three of these things. Now, to dress up and go out!