And lo, the holiday approaches... bow down and bear witness to the spectacle that is capitalism's O-face, the money shot, as it were. Jesus, if you're reading this... was it worth getting spiked to timber by a bunch of Roman rednecks? I'm thinking you might have some doubts after more than 2 thousand years of human-fucking-kind running amok down here on Earth... I sure know I would, cause let's be honest - humans aren't generally worth the powder and lead it'd take to blow 'em down to your pal Lucifer. Still, thanks anyway, dude. Before you punt my ass to Hades, maybe we can smoke a bowl and talk shit about Judas.
... but I digress. How the fuck are ya, kids?
I bring up Ye Olde Holiday because a friend took me to see the Trail of Lights here in Austin. Impressive. A lot of folks spent a lot of time and dough to put up some pretty lights. I'm sure the acid freeks in town love it. Of special interest is a gi-normous "tree" of lights, erected (snicker) around what looked like a radio antenna or some shit. Since said erection (heh heh) is above the ground, citizens can walk undermeath it when checking it out. Here's where the fun comes in.
Apparently it's a local custom to stand under the Light Tree, look up at the lights, and spin around like a dervish. Well, friends, when in Rome... I did spin, and I did get dizzy as fuck. Quickly. Again, the acid eaters must just love the hell out of the Light Tree. Shit, I saw tracers off it *sober*...
Life gets strange here, deep in the heart of Tejas...
... but I digress. How the fuck are ya, kids?
I bring up Ye Olde Holiday because a friend took me to see the Trail of Lights here in Austin. Impressive. A lot of folks spent a lot of time and dough to put up some pretty lights. I'm sure the acid freeks in town love it. Of special interest is a gi-normous "tree" of lights, erected (snicker) around what looked like a radio antenna or some shit. Since said erection (heh heh) is above the ground, citizens can walk undermeath it when checking it out. Here's where the fun comes in.
Apparently it's a local custom to stand under the Light Tree, look up at the lights, and spin around like a dervish. Well, friends, when in Rome... I did spin, and I did get dizzy as fuck. Quickly. Again, the acid eaters must just love the hell out of the Light Tree. Shit, I saw tracers off it *sober*...
Life gets strange here, deep in the heart of Tejas...
Wow. Someone actually read my stuff. What a pleasant discovery... I thought I was sending words to the ether...
Just a castaway
an island lost at sea
another lonely day
no-one here by me
more loneliness
than any man could bear
rescue me before I fall into despair
or something along those lines. Anyway. Thanks. Keep reading. Tell your friends.