So, there's a really spiff theatre here in Austin called the Paramount. It's a peach, all old-tyme and vintage, and I'm betting the sumbitch is haunted too. They show classic movies there during the summer, across the spectrum, and usually double features. 6 bucks fifty, for two gems of the cinema, in a grand setting. Gush, gush, gush. It's cine-riffic, my dear Reader.
This past holiday week-end, the revelers were treated to 'Forbidden Planet' and 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'. Nice to see these on a silver screen, though the one with Big Daddy Gort in it was a so-so print. Bitchy me! Say what you will about Bill Shatner, but he aint got nothing on Leslie Nielsen. That cat chewed curtain in 'Forbidden Planet' like nobody's bizness. Even Frank Langella must be in awe.
In between bites of popcorn and fumbling for Milk Duds, it struck me -
"Michael Rennie was ill
the day the Earth stood still..."
C'mon, you know the words...
"Anne Francis stars in...
Forbidden Planet"
Yep. There I was, sitting in a late night, double feature, picture show. A *science fiction* double feature, no less. I had to look around for sweet transvestites, recently arrived from Transexual Transylvania (ha ha). No such luck, alas... though there were a number of people that could've been Brads and Janets. How bout that.
And, if you have no single clue what I'm going on about, shame on you! Your punishment is to attend a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, post haste. When you arrive, you'd better fess up to being a virgin, too. Don't worry. They'll take fine care of you.
This past holiday week-end, the revelers were treated to 'Forbidden Planet' and 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'. Nice to see these on a silver screen, though the one with Big Daddy Gort in it was a so-so print. Bitchy me! Say what you will about Bill Shatner, but he aint got nothing on Leslie Nielsen. That cat chewed curtain in 'Forbidden Planet' like nobody's bizness. Even Frank Langella must be in awe.
In between bites of popcorn and fumbling for Milk Duds, it struck me -
"Michael Rennie was ill
the day the Earth stood still..."
C'mon, you know the words...
"Anne Francis stars in...
Forbidden Planet"
Yep. There I was, sitting in a late night, double feature, picture show. A *science fiction* double feature, no less. I had to look around for sweet transvestites, recently arrived from Transexual Transylvania (ha ha). No such luck, alas... though there were a number of people that could've been Brads and Janets. How bout that.
And, if you have no single clue what I'm going on about, shame on you! Your punishment is to attend a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, post haste. When you arrive, you'd better fess up to being a virgin, too. Don't worry. They'll take fine care of you.
oooh i love Rocky Horror. Saw it for the first time on my 18th b-day in NYC. it's an experience I shall never forget 

Hey, leave me a line sometime, be good to hear from you