So hey, Reader.
Back in effect and ready to put foot to the ass of all evil.
Work's better. Learning new things daily. Feel a little hindered at times, especially when it comes to my writing. Let's just say the powers that be don't want Hemingway. Man, I'd be happy with the Cliff Notes version. Oh, sure, it'll be entertaining when it's done - be...
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Back in effect and ready to put foot to the ass of all evil.
Work's better. Learning new things daily. Feel a little hindered at times, especially when it comes to my writing. Let's just say the powers that be don't want Hemingway. Man, I'd be happy with the Cliff Notes version. Oh, sure, it'll be entertaining when it's done - be...
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Hello. Again. Hello.
Nice to be back, O Reader. Where have I been? In and out of a tempestuous relationship, of which I can now say is over. Four months and change, not wasted, lesson learned, fun had, sadness fading.
Hope the world speaks in your ear softly, its big stick far from reach.
Nice to be back, O Reader. Where have I been? In and out of a tempestuous relationship, of which I can now say is over. Four months and change, not wasted, lesson learned, fun had, sadness fading.
Hope the world speaks in your ear softly, its big stick far from reach.
Ahhhh...those tempestuous relationships .
We've ALL had them . As long as fun was had and lessons were learned I say it ended well . Coulda' been worse .
Yes , Kill Bill ROCKED . Uma Thurman mat very well have acheived the female version of Samuel L. Jackson's Badassity with that line about "...leave your severed limbs behind . They're MINE now!!! "

We've ALL had them . As long as fun was had and lessons were learned I say it ended well . Coulda' been worse .

Yes , Kill Bill ROCKED . Uma Thurman mat very well have acheived the female version of Samuel L. Jackson's Badassity with that line about "...leave your severed limbs behind . They're MINE now!!! "

every time i read that "no time for the jibba jabba" thing, i laugh out loud. i think i've told you that before though...
hope you are doing ok and the tempestuousness is waning to some greener pastures, my friend
i must also agree with tinfoilhalo-kill bill was pretty cool. quentin's take on old school kung fu. i love uma-we have the same birthday
hope you are doing ok and the tempestuousness is waning to some greener pastures, my friend

i must also agree with tinfoilhalo-kill bill was pretty cool. quentin's take on old school kung fu. i love uma-we have the same birthday

Sturm und Drang!
In case you haven't heard, weather doesn't fuck around in Texas.
Recently, your humble scribe was treated to a dilly of a storm. Hail stones the size of marbles, slashing wind, lightning, thunder, tree branches flying through the air. No farm houses or green skinned women astride a broom, but I guess that only happens in Kansas.
So plenty of sturm -...
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In case you haven't heard, weather doesn't fuck around in Texas.
Recently, your humble scribe was treated to a dilly of a storm. Hail stones the size of marbles, slashing wind, lightning, thunder, tree branches flying through the air. No farm houses or green skinned women astride a broom, but I guess that only happens in Kansas.
So plenty of sturm -...
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Damn that sounds like one hell of a show!!! I woulda loved to witness that. What I have witnessed tho was someone get struck with lightning, and he became effectionatly know as rain man, and not because it was raining! poor basterd.
every time i read that "no time for the jibba jabba" part of yer profile, i laugh. it tickles me
things are good in ohio. we've had quite the storms as well
how are ya?

things are good in ohio. we've had quite the storms as well

how are ya?
Everybody's Got Something To Hide, Except For Me And My Wookiee...
So, hi. All right? Me, too. The Summer, she treats me well. I've been off the radar here for a spell, O Reader Mine, and I hope I've not been missed *too* much. Try not to trip over that, the warranty's about to expire and I need that ego as long as it can...
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So, hi. All right? Me, too. The Summer, she treats me well. I've been off the radar here for a spell, O Reader Mine, and I hope I've not been missed *too* much. Try not to trip over that, the warranty's about to expire and I need that ego as long as it can...
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congrats on going on 2 months, I don't know about you, but I'm about to reach the first 2 month mark of my life...
Congrats on the relationship! And the great game, my girlfriend is saying she'll disown me if I go on about my bad ass crew, especially when I start bawling wookie love songs to............anyway...enjoy!!
So, there's a really spiff theatre here in Austin called the Paramount. It's a peach, all old-tyme and vintage, and I'm betting the sumbitch is haunted too. They show classic movies there during the summer, across the spectrum, and usually double features. 6 bucks fifty, for two gems of the cinema, in a grand setting. Gush, gush, gush. It's cine-riffic, my dear Reader.
This past...
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This past...
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oooh i love Rocky Horror. Saw it for the first time on my 18th b-day in NYC. it's an experience I shall never forget 

Hey, leave me a line sometime, be good to hear from you
It's summertime. It's hot. Blue skies. Less clothes. Tanlines.
I'm in love with it, Reader. Luv luv luuuuuuuv. I wanna marry summer. We can make cute little sun-babies with names like Ra and Apollo and Sol. We can bitch about her sisters - the hippie with the green fetish, the lethargic underacheiver that kills all the leaves, and especially that frigid bitch that shows up...
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I'm in love with it, Reader. Luv luv luuuuuuuv. I wanna marry summer. We can make cute little sun-babies with names like Ra and Apollo and Sol. We can bitch about her sisters - the hippie with the green fetish, the lethargic underacheiver that kills all the leaves, and especially that frigid bitch that shows up...
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Very good writing, even if it is just a journal. And the fantasy is pretty damn funny, too.
Summer can be a cruel bitch as well, but damn if I don't love the shit out oh her!
So, my thrice-damned air conditioning was FUBAR. To wit, the condition of my air was 'humid as all fuck' and at times my domicile was worse than the outside. This would not do, O Reader dear.
Prepared for the worst, I made the pilgrimage to the apartment complex Master Control Office. Now, I dunno about you, Reader, but my usual dealings with apartment management types...
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Prepared for the worst, I made the pilgrimage to the apartment complex Master Control Office. Now, I dunno about you, Reader, but my usual dealings with apartment management types...
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god my air went out, i was a sweaty girl.
oh yeah bauhaus,very very nice, rakin in those points MUCH LOVE TO U
oh yeah bauhaus,very very nice, rakin in those points MUCH LOVE TO U

Several trips 'round the sun back, young Me, your pal and humble scribe - looked upon the impending summer of that mid-80's year with a fairly sizable quantity of dread. While untold drillions of young turks were practically fit to burst in anticipation of that halcyon piece of the year called Summer, I was ready to step up to the Melancholy Buffet for multiple helpings...
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yep..that gets the award for one the most suckiest summer jobs. I always wanted to be a lifeguard or something cool like that..I always ended up working in retail..but atleast it was air conditioned...

wow. I really like your writing style.
I have a trained monkey job.
I have a trained monkey job.
There is no spoon...
Back from Lost Angels and Lost Wages, checking in with my two pennies on the second Matrix movie...
So I liked the movie for the most part. My only beef with it is the awkward and lengthy zenbabble dialogue scenes. While the first movie managed to slide the deep meaninful moments in rather well, giving your brain enough to chew on...
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Back from Lost Angels and Lost Wages, checking in with my two pennies on the second Matrix movie...
So I liked the movie for the most part. My only beef with it is the awkward and lengthy zenbabble dialogue scenes. While the first movie managed to slide the deep meaninful moments in rather well, giving your brain enough to chew on...
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mmmm I could eat trinity's pants!! lol
I typed a big long essay on why the matrix was bad, but then I accidentally clicked away, and now it's gone.
So, yeah, the matrix was crap because ahhhh.
So, yeah, the matrix was crap because ahhhh.
Well, hell. It's May. Already.
I've been in Texas for seven months and change. It doesn't feel remotely like seven months. Barely feels like I've unpacked. And yet, the calendar, she does not lie.
Suppose I can't complain... the time could have dragged like molasses in an Alaskan January. Even so, and more and more, I feel like time is ever-so-fleeting. Less and less of...
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I've been in Texas for seven months and change. It doesn't feel remotely like seven months. Barely feels like I've unpacked. And yet, the calendar, she does not lie.
Suppose I can't complain... the time could have dragged like molasses in an Alaskan January. Even so, and more and more, I feel like time is ever-so-fleeting. Less and less of...
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After almost seven years of talking about it, I finally got the tattoo. It's lovely. And the process isn't nearly as painful as everyone hyped it up to being. In fact, I found it really entrancing, kinda calming, and totally fascinating.
I shall be at E3 with motherlovin' *bells* on. I'm not sure how much drinky-drinkin' I'll have time for, though we should definitely meet for a couple a highballs at the least.
There any supersekret N-word parties you can get me into?
I shall be at E3 with motherlovin' *bells* on. I'm not sure how much drinky-drinkin' I'll have time for, though we should definitely meet for a couple a highballs at the least.
There any supersekret N-word parties you can get me into?
good meeting you at the party. I'm so exhausted right now I could eat a train.
The Game With A Politically Incorrect Name...
What am I talking about? Set the wayback machine to the mid-1970's... and check it out, cause we're talking about Smear the Queer.
Ah, what a game. For the uninitiated, it goes like this -
There's a ball (usually a football, but any ball will do). Someone throws the ball up in the air. The person who catches...
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What am I talking about? Set the wayback machine to the mid-1970's... and check it out, cause we're talking about Smear the Queer.
Ah, what a game. For the uninitiated, it goes like this -
There's a ball (usually a football, but any ball will do). Someone throws the ball up in the air. The person who catches...
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there was this steep hill near the local school, and we used to sit on our skateboards and race down it, running into each other, beating the shit out of each other the whole time. whoever made it down without falling off their board won.
we didn't really have a name for it. but goddamn if it wasn't some of the best goddamn fun.
we didn't really have a name for it. but goddamn if it wasn't some of the best goddamn fun.
I love childhood games, but I have never heard of that one!! I like to play them still, I just have to get more that my girlfriend to play with me, in other words I need some friends!!LOL
Found myself a right decent comix store here in Austin. Managed to find the next 'Preacher' graphic novel, along with a new one - Y: The Last Man. Quite the good read, this comic. Basic premise: one day, something - a virus? - wipes out every male on good ole planet Earth. Male humans, male ducks, male ferrets, male lions... all of 'em...
Except for...
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Except for...
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You're a couple of comic book nerds!
I never got past superheroes, really. Except for NEAT STUFF, HATE, JIM, and some other sundry Fantagraphics stuff.
I wish I could speak more intelligently about comic books. But alas, my current budget does not allow for yet another vice.
I never got past superheroes, really. Except for NEAT STUFF, HATE, JIM, and some other sundry Fantagraphics stuff.
I wish I could speak more intelligently about comic books. But alas, my current budget does not allow for yet another vice.
funny books are cool!