Wohoo I have a job! Ok so it's only part-time causual stuff but for now it's better than nowt! And I didn't even have to hunt for it which is even better, Waterstones love me so much that they called me up to offer me some work. It's only while people are ill and until they catch up on stuff they're behind on (probably returns) but seeing as I'm OBVOIUSLY going to be given some fantastic job in London it's all good.
Ok so quite a lot of that is delusional but I'm still happy - doesn't take much!
Certainly makes up for the fiasco that was spending time with my family last night. My bro decided he was in a good mood and went all hyper, drank a lot (which he's not supposed to at all on his medication), started to drunken ramble, which turned into rant, which turned into being an abusive little shit, and right at the end started talking about shooting himself and crying. We all dealt with this as best we could (it gets very frustrating and emotionally draining) and just as we were getting tired he's on an up again. Craziness. Oh it's so good to be home. Still can't hold a grudge really the doctors are still doing jack shit.
I'm just hoping this evening is a little quieter, I wanna show people my NYC photos!
Certainly makes up for the fiasco that was spending time with my family last night. My bro decided he was in a good mood and went all hyper, drank a lot (which he's not supposed to at all on his medication), started to drunken ramble, which turned into rant, which turned into being an abusive little shit, and right at the end started talking about shooting himself and crying. We all dealt with this as best we could (it gets very frustrating and emotionally draining) and just as we were getting tired he's on an up again. Craziness. Oh it's so good to be home. Still can't hold a grudge really the doctors are still doing jack shit.
I'm just hoping this evening is a little quieter, I wanna show people my NYC photos!