Do you ever feel totally fucking bored with your life? Like you just get so frustrated all you wanna do is buggar off somewhere else and not have to face the monotony of it all? I HATE my job, i sit on my ass all day staring at my computer (which doesn't even have internet acess) placing orders for STATIONARY and speaking to arseholes on the phone who either want to complain or ask me a question which could be answered by themselvs if they used a little common sense. My friends are all over the country (the world in fact), so if I wanna have any real fun I have to go visit them or wait till they come home. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends here, but they're not my crowd, they don't like the same stuff as me or want to go to the same places as me. I miss them, we rarely get to be together anymore. You know how there's some people that you can just totally be yourself with, no bullshit? Well that's them and I miss them so fucking much.
I need to go do something with my life, it's starting to take the piss now.
Rant over
I need to go do something with my life, it's starting to take the piss now.
Rant over

I think most people had one as a kid, I'm the only person I know who still has on original set, even if it is covered in fag burns and hair dye
So now what you mean, I'm skiving out of class right now because if I have to thread up one more sewing machine this morning I'm gonna stab someone with my embroidery scissors
I'm very close to dropping out of uni right now just so I can go back to Edinburgh, where there are men and corner shops and delicatessens. I hate Galashiels so much!!!!!!!