So I went for a trial day for a job that's more exciting than sitting at a shitty desk all day talking to absolute wankstains about whether their stationary has arrived or not. Y'know, it's funny, you get to a point where you DON'T FUCKING CARE whether people have their goddamn automatic hole punch or not.
But yeah, my job would suck a whole lot less if I didn't work with a girl who's an absolute nazi. Seriously, she's racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, you name it. I have to sit there litening to her spout on about how ethnic minorities should go back to their own countries, how the war in Iraq "served the bastards right" and how all the innocent civilians killed "was good target practice"
People like that terrify me. Isn't our generation meant to be open minded, liberal, accepting? When you have people like that thinking how people used to think 60 years ago, i think we have a reason to be scared. And she's far from alone, what is WRONG with people?!
Anyway, i'm gonna step down off my soapbox and hope to the powers that be I get that job.
But yeah, my job would suck a whole lot less if I didn't work with a girl who's an absolute nazi. Seriously, she's racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, you name it. I have to sit there litening to her spout on about how ethnic minorities should go back to their own countries, how the war in Iraq "served the bastards right" and how all the innocent civilians killed "was good target practice"
People like that terrify me. Isn't our generation meant to be open minded, liberal, accepting? When you have people like that thinking how people used to think 60 years ago, i think we have a reason to be scared. And she's far from alone, what is WRONG with people?!
Anyway, i'm gonna step down off my soapbox and hope to the powers that be I get that job.

Mybe I will!

Right on! Power to workers?