my mummy just called me from Turkey (her plans to kidnap my sister back were foiled when my sister announced she would, in fact, be marrying her boyfriend and therefore staying in Turkey)
She (mummy) asked how I was feeling about the break up and was slightly concerned that I sounded (and am) completely fine.
Life is too short to be heartbroken.
Plus I'm going bowling again tonight, and by the time I'm league-status with my own shirt, bowling ball and shoes, I won't have time for boys
failing that, I might just drop a bowling ball on my foot and render myself useless and crippled. I wonder how many nice young men would come to the rescue as I hobble around in one stilletto on crutches?
Mike (of the punknite variety) thankyou
distance, however, may cause a few issues. But I'm glad to hear you don't lie
Rickssssssnake. build me a house too please. The most I've ever managed is lego. do you guys have that stuff in the US? Its great.
and you, miss ruby slipups...ahhhh the irish men. shame I didn't sample any whilst on your soil...of course, I'm sure a visit to my sister in Galway is in order soon....
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
i'm going bowling
She (mummy) asked how I was feeling about the break up and was slightly concerned that I sounded (and am) completely fine.
Life is too short to be heartbroken.
Plus I'm going bowling again tonight, and by the time I'm league-status with my own shirt, bowling ball and shoes, I won't have time for boys

failing that, I might just drop a bowling ball on my foot and render myself useless and crippled. I wonder how many nice young men would come to the rescue as I hobble around in one stilletto on crutches?

Mike (of the punknite variety) thankyou

Rickssssssnake. build me a house too please. The most I've ever managed is lego. do you guys have that stuff in the US? Its great.
and you, miss ruby slipups...ahhhh the irish men. shame I didn't sample any whilst on your soil...of course, I'm sure a visit to my sister in Galway is in order soon....

i'm going bowling

Bowling! Be careful! I think you know you have a bad luck steak going on. Good you're taking the break up good. I'll see what I could do about that house. I might have to get a permit or something for over there. But if you moved out here it would be no problem. Exciting news with your sister! Is she pregnant? Maybe she just loves the guy?
i wanna go bowling with you! and ya know what? i would so be right at your side helping you if you had dropped a bowling ball on your foot & were crippled, i'd tend to your every need to make sure you were okay & happy!