uh oh...1: I think i got kicked out of SGUK! i don't know how? maybe i wasn't active enough..i dont know..! i'm not very good at these things - i never know what to say "hey i'm another wannabe SG but I'm not through yet" no. didnt want to say that... ah well...
2: i don't know if my shoot is going ahead
obviously there are some crazy terrorist-type things going on here at the moment, so Andrea doesnt know if she's coming over..awww I'd be so sad if it didnt happen
so again, fingers etc crossed please
i was wearing my SG beater at work today and this young-ish couple came up to me and went all funny on me..something like this:
her: "excuse me, you're wearing a Suicide Girls shirt"
me: " why yes I am..."
her: "its just..no one knows what SG is around here"
me: (thinking)
what the FUCK? yes they do. me and Anarchie are the pompey massive hahaha
me: " oh right..well yeah..I'm a member of the site"
her: "are you a Suicide Girl?"
me: "not yet
but hopefully i will be soon.."
her: "oh, thats great. my boyfriend noticed you when we came in and said how pretty you are"
me: (thinking) WHAT THE FUCK??!!! hit him! don't TELL me!!!
how awkward do I feel now??!
me: "
oh well thats very kind, ermm...thankyou"
her: " ok well...i come in here a lot, so erm..good luck, i hope you get in - let me know when I next see you"
me: (trying to escape quickly) "great..thankyou, i will..." (don't let your boyfriend see me naked aaaaggghhh)
hahaha it was so awkward and funny but I felt terrible..amusingly, I also looked terrible..after several hours running round the shop putting clothes away, and serving mindless customers with a sacchirine (typo) sweet yet caustic smile, my appearance winds up shot to hell
ahh well..
MY boyfriend said to me 'if you get in (when Matthew, not if) wont you feel kinda embarassed or weird if people ever recognise you off the site, knowing they've seen you naked?'
no, clearly not. I'll LOVE it! besides - it means they were looking enough to recognise me on the street. and I think that's fucking cool
2: i don't know if my shoot is going ahead

i was wearing my SG beater at work today and this young-ish couple came up to me and went all funny on me..something like this:
her: "excuse me, you're wearing a Suicide Girls shirt"
me: " why yes I am..."
her: "its just..no one knows what SG is around here"
me: (thinking)

me: " oh right..well yeah..I'm a member of the site"
her: "are you a Suicide Girl?"
me: "not yet

her: "oh, thats great. my boyfriend noticed you when we came in and said how pretty you are"
me: (thinking) WHAT THE FUCK??!!! hit him! don't TELL me!!!

me: "

her: " ok well...i come in here a lot, so erm..good luck, i hope you get in - let me know when I next see you"
me: (trying to escape quickly) "great..thankyou, i will..." (don't let your boyfriend see me naked aaaaggghhh)

hahaha it was so awkward and funny but I felt terrible..amusingly, I also looked terrible..after several hours running round the shop putting clothes away, and serving mindless customers with a sacchirine (typo) sweet yet caustic smile, my appearance winds up shot to hell

ahh well..

MY boyfriend said to me 'if you get in (when Matthew, not if) wont you feel kinda embarassed or weird if people ever recognise you off the site, knowing they've seen you naked?'
no, clearly not. I'll LOVE it! besides - it means they were looking enough to recognise me on the street. and I think that's fucking cool

Of course your set will get shot, and you'll definitely go pink. You are teh beautiful!

you'll be recognized alot when you get accepted to SG!!!