oh you guys are the best for supportive and/or irrelevant comments
saw Dad on Friday. see...the first time I saw him, he was worse than I'd expected. But yesterday, I was expecting him to be worse than he was. understand? He recognised me, and this time, Boy came with me. and he recognised him too. we spent around 2 hours there, at the hospice, in the garden.. Dad smoked a cigar (I guess once you're in a hospice, its not like anything is gonna damage your health further) and made jokes and pulled faces...his conversation still needed a lot of deciphering..but this time, he looked like he was deteriorating physically much more. His right hand side is almost useless, he doesnt swallow drinks automatically..we had to keep reminding him. Everything looked like more effort. His skin was more crepey - like you're used to seeing elderly people's..he looked gaunt, like everything was shutting down. He slept lots too...those are the signs of things beginnning to switch off.. I have lots of friends who are nurses, who say the speed with which they found him room in a hospice, implies it wont be long now..
other than that...erm... my hair is very red. I love it
and...I saw the lovely Anarchie today..she popped into my work briefly, to brighten my day, which she did with the ease and grace with which someone very used to brightening days would..

saw Dad on Friday. see...the first time I saw him, he was worse than I'd expected. But yesterday, I was expecting him to be worse than he was. understand? He recognised me, and this time, Boy came with me. and he recognised him too. we spent around 2 hours there, at the hospice, in the garden.. Dad smoked a cigar (I guess once you're in a hospice, its not like anything is gonna damage your health further) and made jokes and pulled faces...his conversation still needed a lot of deciphering..but this time, he looked like he was deteriorating physically much more. His right hand side is almost useless, he doesnt swallow drinks automatically..we had to keep reminding him. Everything looked like more effort. His skin was more crepey - like you're used to seeing elderly people's..he looked gaunt, like everything was shutting down. He slept lots too...those are the signs of things beginnning to switch off.. I have lots of friends who are nurses, who say the speed with which they found him room in a hospice, implies it wont be long now..
other than that...erm... my hair is very red. I love it

and...I saw the lovely Anarchie today..she popped into my work briefly, to brighten my day, which she did with the ease and grace with which someone very used to brightening days would..

n its good that uve got ur boy there for support n u dont have to go through it all alone either.
so wanna see pics of ur new hair
I got a dog this past weekend guess how that went? You thought my cat story was funny! CAT & DOG all weekend TOGETHER! My dog is nice and just wants to play but my cat wants to fight and let the dog know that this is her territory. I'd tell you everything that happend but it would probably take up too much room on your page. You'd probably think it's not that interesting.
How's work been? Any advancments?