i wanted to thank everyone for their sweet words and hugs
my life is kinda bumbling along at the moment, in limbo (and not in a limbo-SG kinda way either
I'm not sure how to feel or what to say...
I have good hours and bad hours. Last night I cried til I shook and my boy held me til I stopped. What a rock. He'll never understand quite what he means to me.
Also, I'm going back to my sorely-missed blonde. Full on, no-holds-barred, Monroe/Gwen-esque peroxide. For a few reasons:

my life is kinda bumbling along at the moment, in limbo (and not in a limbo-SG kinda way either

I'm not sure how to feel or what to say...
I have good hours and bad hours. Last night I cried til I shook and my boy held me til I stopped. What a rock. He'll never understand quite what he means to me.

Also, I'm going back to my sorely-missed blonde. Full on, no-holds-barred, Monroe/Gwen-esque peroxide. For a few reasons:
- I miss it..how it lit up my face like an angel's halo
- my daddy loved me blonde, cuz I was a very blonde little girl, way back when..I guess it reminded him..
- I pretty much grew out my Bettie-style bangs/fringe...
- strangely, the upkeep is LESS than my blue/black..cuz now when I do my roots, I get blue ears for days
- I just fancy a change, goddamnit
I dyed it blue/black in August, and before that, I'd been blondie blonde for 3 or so years..i just miss it
x fin x
Last night I saw Sin City for the first time. Everyone told me it was going to suck but I actually liked it. I also saw the new Pirates movie and that was good too!
How's your normal life going? Been doing anything to keep your mind off of things?