gah... every time i skrunkle my nose the bar in the bridge wriggles about.. its curved to allow for my distinct lack of bridge..and its too long, cuz i haven't had it changed down from when i had it pierced.

and where the hell's the sunshine gone?? pscht...
i finally got new batteries for my camera so here's a pic of my new piercing (the bridge of my our shop we call it an 'erl'... i know my face is bleached out (you'd never think i had sunburn huh!) and its a horribly taken picture, but i'm not gonna spend 40 minutes taking pictures of myself in the hope that one comes out ok, so excuse my ridiculous face i'm pulling..and messy bedroom etc etc.. alas I'm not a camera-friendly emo kid

oh also, i know the bar in it is a little long..i haven't been into work to have it changed down yet

and where the hell's the sunshine gone?? pscht...

i finally got new batteries for my camera so here's a pic of my new piercing (the bridge of my our shop we call it an 'erl'... i know my face is bleached out (you'd never think i had sunburn huh!) and its a horribly taken picture, but i'm not gonna spend 40 minutes taking pictures of myself in the hope that one comes out ok, so excuse my ridiculous face i'm pulling..and messy bedroom etc etc.. alas I'm not a camera-friendly emo kid

oh also, i know the bar in it is a little long..i haven't been into work to have it changed down yet