Fuckin get off the shit kel.
Been so fkd up last few weekends since i been home.
mondays are killa.
had an awsome night on saturday,
me & casey went to snob scrilla @ the brewery,
got way messy , danced , kissed boys!
seen this dude there , who is pretty much my dream boat,
hahaha, soooooo fkn hot.
was chattin wit him, then he came and danced with me, & he told me i was fucking hot, tried to sleaze on me and i said get away! hahaha why!
i wanna make him chase, & chase he will!
or if he doesnt, wtf was i thinking!
hot hot hot.
so instead i hooked up with some dude, who tried so hard all night.
haha. he earnt it,
so didnt sleep saturday night, then jules called in sundy
met some of my boys from home...
hahaha, weird.
i was so wired, i cudnt put a sentance together,
not good.
so after everyone went home i got will to pick me up,
went and stayed the night.
i like him. but nothing can happen.
apart from what is. so before i let my emotions get the better of me,
i should just totally keep it as friends with benefits.
cause @ the moment benefits are what a girl like me needs.
anyways, iv run out of $$.
so now is time to get my ass off this lounge & find myself a job.
Been so fkd up last few weekends since i been home.
mondays are killa.
had an awsome night on saturday,
me & casey went to snob scrilla @ the brewery,
got way messy , danced , kissed boys!
seen this dude there , who is pretty much my dream boat,
hahaha, soooooo fkn hot.
was chattin wit him, then he came and danced with me, & he told me i was fucking hot, tried to sleaze on me and i said get away! hahaha why!
i wanna make him chase, & chase he will!
or if he doesnt, wtf was i thinking!
hot hot hot.
so instead i hooked up with some dude, who tried so hard all night.
haha. he earnt it,
so didnt sleep saturday night, then jules called in sundy
met some of my boys from home...
hahaha, weird.
i was so wired, i cudnt put a sentance together,
not good.
so after everyone went home i got will to pick me up,
went and stayed the night.
i like him. but nothing can happen.
apart from what is. so before i let my emotions get the better of me,
i should just totally keep it as friends with benefits.
cause @ the moment benefits are what a girl like me needs.
anyways, iv run out of $$.
so now is time to get my ass off this lounge & find myself a job.