Im @ wills currently, stoned currently. Drinking lemonade. Not @ the current.
This is will.
He is one of my best mates, without a doubt!
We sorta stole each other from my bf.
His my bf's mate, and yeh he likes me more! bah ha!
Will picks me up from work, i lost my bruk drives me usually.
But if i had a bad day or not even that, i msg will to come get my ass,
come to his and smoke weed, not worry about the shit in the world.
its nice
Mmm so im stoked as for soundwave, i cannot believe the line up. Insane.
They better have a better set up than last year otherwise i will be one angry girl.
Missed so many bands last year due to wrong times on timetables and bullshhhhhhhiiiiiitttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck i cannot even save a picture of the line up......
but stand outs.
saves the day.
every time i die - love them, wanted see them for ages.
Nine inch nails
Horse the band
thats all i can be bothered tpying now
So my party is in like....4 weeks or something
8th november.
i turn 21 on the 9th. thats 9/11 over here in aus.
yeh so iv been buying little things each week,
i got my pirate costume also...
and a big fuck off hat.
im so excited to get dressed up.i wont look as good as that! oh well.
also my parents got a spa, we cleaned the fuck out of our shed,it actually looks good!
Got lights and ooo lots of wonderful things, these mad cute little tooth picks but there mini swords...awwww!
im so excited.
And my best mates have been acting heaps suss about my present, asking weird ass questions and eggghhh
so annoying !!!
cannot wait!!!!
iiii ahhh, wweeee!!!!
i really wish they have organised a girl trip...hmmmph wishful thinkin
im out xxxx
This is will.
He is one of my best mates, without a doubt!
We sorta stole each other from my bf.
His my bf's mate, and yeh he likes me more! bah ha!
Will picks me up from work, i lost my bruk drives me usually.
But if i had a bad day or not even that, i msg will to come get my ass,
come to his and smoke weed, not worry about the shit in the world.
its nice
Mmm so im stoked as for soundwave, i cannot believe the line up. Insane.
They better have a better set up than last year otherwise i will be one angry girl.
Missed so many bands last year due to wrong times on timetables and bullshhhhhhhiiiiiitttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck i cannot even save a picture of the line up......
but stand outs.
saves the day.
every time i die - love them, wanted see them for ages.
Nine inch nails
Horse the band
thats all i can be bothered tpying now
So my party is in like....4 weeks or something
8th november.
i turn 21 on the 9th. thats 9/11 over here in aus.
yeh so iv been buying little things each week,
i got my pirate costume also...
and a big fuck off hat.
im so excited to get dressed up.i wont look as good as that! oh well.
also my parents got a spa, we cleaned the fuck out of our shed,it actually looks good!
Got lights and ooo lots of wonderful things, these mad cute little tooth picks but there mini swords...awwww!
im so excited.
And my best mates have been acting heaps suss about my present, asking weird ass questions and eggghhh
so annoying !!!
cannot wait!!!!
iiii ahhh, wweeee!!!!
im out xxxx