Things are up in the air right now but better than before. I am listening to Will Oldham and doing crosswords and all is well, for the time bean. Not diddling the bean, though, mind you. And Bill Kurtis never even came thru for me. Waah!
hey my name is Jase, I came across your journal via SGLA group anyway I wanted to introduce myself and say hello. You should come to the event tonight. If you like Bill Kurtis you might like these two books: "The Murder of Tuhtenkhamen" by Dr. Bob Brier - THis guy solves the famous murder using modern day forensics and tells it in smooth layman terms. and and new one called, "The Da Vince Code" by Dan Brown. A cross between indiana jones and your favorite art history / religion class. This book is a quick fun read and will be a cool movie. A'ight, Peace. - Jase
i love the pink jellybean.