Okay, Journal Police, so I don't change my entry every five minutes (days)... lick my ass. Trust me, your life isn't that exciting when you don't have a job and shiz. It's a tragic state of affairs. Are you hiring?? That's what I thought. I bought new make-up last night, one of my life's last sorry little pleasures. Boring, Sidney, booooring.
ahh yes.. makeup
my friend in Italy is a Stylist ? or Makeup Artist? for L'OREAL... she has her makeup line coming out soon.. When it comes out I will let you know if y ou are interested. Oh and she has some contacts here...I'm not sure if it will help but the next time she calls I will ask if she knows of anyone you can contact for a job.
cause I forgot to add stuff..
[Edited on May 10, 2003]