What up my party people?!? I actually WORKED yesterday. Yes, yes, foreign concept, I know. I am baffled as well. Yeah yeah, so it was just a one day thing..... lick my ass. It's kind of unfortunate that I possess a talent that, when advertised for in the classifieds, they have to specify "english-speaking". Oh well, it felt good to have a task that literally and mentally paid out in the end. Very satasfying. Whew! Someone get me a cigarette! Last night I felt like going out and celebrating and shiz. Monday I have an Administrative Assistant interview for an ADULT VIDEO company! Clearly, I will need to see a sampling of their merchandise before commiting to any kind of "position", if you will. And I trust and believe that you will. What's going on tonite??? I need to go out & boogie. Shake my T&A. Will I? Where will I? These have yet to be determined. I feel like doing some Ecstacy (quiet Josh!). I am on the prowl for fun, if anyone knows where it's hiding. Piece. Latex. Bi bi.
I will, yet again, overlook your erratic behavior only because I think a caper might be involved. I'm beginning not to trust and believe in you but alas, I will give you yet another opportunity to see me in my granny car seat with my sternum pressud up against the sterring wheel.