Very excited because I went to my storage unit today and got my sewing machine and lots of my fabric!! Finally I am going to have my creative outlet back!! I am so making myself the cutest fucking handbag on God's green earth ASAP. Be jealous.... whatever. I have a job interview on Sunday and I am trying my damndest to stay positive and focus with the help of my new best friend, coffee!!! You just add water and shit! Not shit in the literal sense, though. The boy situation is the tough part. So many facets, so much bullshite. My mind and heart are in total limbo (not my pussy, though, thank goodness).
I want to buy a really fucking good CD to treat myself..... ideas please.
I want to buy a really fucking good CD to treat myself..... ideas please.
lately, i've been listening to english beat's ' i just can't stop it', quite a bit. i'm rediscovering the oldies.
it makes me happy and goes well with coffee.
Buy" Danse Macabre" if you haven't allready. It is good, for sure. I am alos a Scorpio.
Hang in there. As long as your pussy is stable, that's cool. You gotta have somthin there for yah right? I like any Muse CD's. Alkaline Trio is dope, if you like punk. If you like rock, pick up the HOt Hot Heat cd's or the HInt HInt.
If you want too delve into any Hip HOp cd's, pick up some Atmosphere ones. Slug is a fuckin great MC.