Havnt been up to much, mostly just spending time with my gawjus baby boy <3 , he is amazing and his little personality develops more and more every day.
I have been painting again, which is making me really happy...i forget how much i need creative outlet to make me sane ...there is a 3rd painting in this series and these 2 arent finished yet but you get the idea, i will post more pics when they are finished and up on my wall
Other than that im enjoying playing with my new toy ( the new Canon 7D ) and I am also really enjoying making the hairclips for my little business that im trying to get off the ground...Its hard to do all this, be a mother and a wife without my house getting messy....i kinda let it go this week lol but im about halfway to getting it clean again...and thats what im off to finish so talk to ya's laters <333

I have been painting again, which is making me really happy...i forget how much i need creative outlet to make me sane ...there is a 3rd painting in this series and these 2 arent finished yet but you get the idea, i will post more pics when they are finished and up on my wall

Other than that im enjoying playing with my new toy ( the new Canon 7D ) and I am also really enjoying making the hairclips for my little business that im trying to get off the ground...Its hard to do all this, be a mother and a wife without my house getting messy....i kinda let it go this week lol but im about halfway to getting it clean again...and thats what im off to finish so talk to ya's laters <333
Jasper is looking freakin cute and I love that you've gotten back into your art. It's fantastic and when I get home I want a Von Trash painting to hang on my wall.