aw baby. I'm sorry they treated you that way. Why does everything have to be so CUT throat? I mean, all we need to do is go in, do our 8 hours, and go home. What the hell is the big deal with back stabbing and making cliques like in high school?? I thought I was almost 30 years old, not 15. These people are fucking RIDICULOUS. Also, add something to your wishlist you think I can afford on a poor girl's salary for the baby and I will try and get it for you.
My brother is having a baby too... well, you know, not my BROTHER, but his girlfriend Missy. She's a great tattoo artist, although she's a bit of a wet dishrag in the personality department. So I hope the baby gets my brother's looks AND personality. His name is going to be Milo Rad. Isn't that GREAT? My brother is the best at stuff like that.
Lookit how handsome my brother is!!!
we're a good lookin family.
I think the delayed flight might work in your favour, as the state of origin is on Wednesday night. And as you know Tez and I are bogans at heart and will be yelling at a TV screen that night.
My brother is having a baby too... well, you know, not my BROTHER, but his girlfriend Missy. She's a great tattoo artist, although she's a bit of a wet dishrag in the personality department. So I hope the baby gets my brother's looks AND personality. His name is going to be Milo Rad.
Lookit how handsome my brother is!!!
we're a good lookin family.
I think the delayed flight might work in your favour, as the state of origin is on Wednesday night. And as you know Tez and I are bogans at heart and will be yelling at a TV screen that night.
Can't wait to give you a big hug.